
FitLine 運動系列

FitLine 響應運動員日益增長的營養需求——從周末戰士到專業人士——提供一系列可以單獨組合的補充品,創造個人化的優化運動營養。

FitLine 進階標準


所有 FitLine 營養補充品產品均在 Cologne List® 上。該清單公佈的產品已經過世界領先實驗室之一的測試,用於分析營養補充劑中的興奮劑物質。

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優化的營養供應和培養的腸道菌群對健康維持和表現很重要。 穩定及健康的身體狀態可為運動員在運動、工作和日常生活中遇到的挑戰和風險提供保護。

我們的 FitLine運動產品

FitLine Restorate

Regular recuperation intervals are just as important for sportspeople as a correctly dosed loading, as training adjustments occur during the recuperation and regeneration time. An optimum combination of mineral substances replenishes the bodily reservoirs⁷. FitLine Restorate has proven to be an ideal "bedtime" drink.

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FitLine PowerCocktail

An optimized nutrient supply is important for more energy and performance. A stable immune system offers protection against challenges in sports, at work, and in everyday life. FitLine PowerCocktail is a 2-in-1 solution: it provides energy¹ and concentration² and simultaneously supports the normal function of the immune system³.

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FitLine Restorate

Regular recuperation intervals are just as important for sportspeople as a correctly dosed loading, as training adjustments occur during the recuperation and regeneration time. An optimum combination of mineral substances replenishes the bodily reservoirs⁷. FitLine Restorate has proven to be an ideal "bedtime" drink.

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FitLine PowerCocktail

An optimized nutrient supply is important for more energy and performance. A stable immune system offers protection against challenges in sports, at work, and in everyday life. FitLine PowerCocktail is a 2-in-1 solution: it provides energy¹ and concentration² and simultaneously supports the normal function of the immune system³.

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FitLine 產品旨在全方位幫助,提供體力和動力,並在更長的時間內保持最佳表現。

我們的 FitLine運動產品

FitLine Fitness-Drink

Carbohydrates are of great significance for people who lead an active lifestyle. For activities demanding lots of energy, the body must have carbohydrates available so the muscles can work properly. The FitLine Fitness-Drink is optimized for athletes and people who engage in regular physical activity. The FitLine Fitness-Drink contains an isotone carbohydrate-electrolyte solution which contributes to the maintenance of performance⁶ capacity over longer periods while training, especially where endurance⁶ is important.

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FitLine Activize Oxyplus

FitLine Activize Oxyplus provides the active ingredients the body needs to generate energy⁴ and power⁵.

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FitLine Fitness-Drink

Carbohydrates are of great significance for people who lead an active lifestyle. For activities demanding lots of energy, the body must have carbohydrates available so the muscles can work properly. The FitLine Fitness-Drink is optimized for athletes and people who engage in regular physical activity. The FitLine Fitness-Drink contains an isotone carbohydrate-electrolyte solution which contributes to the maintenance of performance⁶ capacity over longer periods while training, especially where endurance⁶ is important.

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FitLine Activize Oxyplus

FitLine Activize Oxyplus provides the active ingredients the body needs to generate energy⁴ and power⁵.

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身體在體育活動中構建和維持肌肉組織。 因此,肌肉需要充足的蛋白質和/或胺基酸供應。

我們的 FitLine運動產品

Protein Max

每條含有 25 克蛋白質⁸ 的獨家蛋白質棒。 FitLine Protein Max 涵蓋了建議每日蛋白質攝入量的 50% 左右。 適合運動員以及所有想要以蛋白質零食來支持他們的飲食和訓練的人的產品。 請跟著大量的水一起服用。



對於肌肉鍛煉⁸-蛋白質有助於肌肉生長。 包含 具有平衡的胺基酸低脂肪的高質量蛋白質 不含醣,可添加在任何(冷)飲料中易於溶解。



含必需氨基酸-維持和增加肌肉質量⁸ FitLine ProShape® (胺基酸膠囊)是專門為運動員設計的營養補品


Protein Max

每條含有 25 克蛋白質⁸ 的獨家蛋白質棒。 FitLine Protein Max 涵蓋了建議每日蛋白質攝入量的 50% 左右。 適合運動員以及所有想要以蛋白質零食來支持他們的飲食和訓練的人的產品。 請跟著大量的水一起服用。



對於肌肉鍛煉⁸-蛋白質有助於肌肉生長。 包含 具有平衡的胺基酸低脂肪的高質量蛋白質 不含醣,可添加在任何(冷)飲料中易於溶解。





經過努力的 FitLine 產品

  • 1硫胺素、核黃素、生物素、菸鹼酸和泛酸有助於正常的能量代謝。 ²硫胺素有助於神經系統的正常運作和正常的心理功能。 ³維生素 B12(鈷胺素)、B6(吡哆醇)、葉酸 (B9)、維生素 C、維生素 A 和硒有助於免疫系統的正常功能。 ⁴維生素 B2(核黃素)、B3(菸鹼酸)、B5(泛酸)、B6(吡哆醇)、B12(鈷胺素)和葉酸(B9)有助於減輕疲勞。 ⁶碳水化合物電解質溶液有助於在長時間耐力運動中維持耐力表現水準。 ⁷鎂有助於神經系統的正常功能和正常的肌肉功能。 ⁸蛋白質有助於肌肉質量的生長和維持。 ⁹天然優質青蘋果、葡萄、紅菠菜萃取物的協同組合,1⁰一流的L-精氨酸和L-瓜氨酸的協同作用。 所示產品可能並非在每個國家都有銷售。請聯絡您當地的經銷商以了解更多資訊。

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