The absolute focus of a top athlete is to permanently optimize his performance. To achieve this, every little detail is taken care of; a decisive factor is the right nutrition.
His track record is impressive: Jens Roth has become the German Cross Triathlon Champion 5 times in a row. In 2015, he was also the European vice-champion in the professional class.
He got into triathlon rather incidentally. “I was a swimmer for years and also competed for the youth national team in Germany. And then, when I was 20, I was at a crossroads – I couldn’t swim that much anymore. To be at the top, you have to swim 10 – 12 times a week for 2 hours. So I chose a sport I could get into by walking out of the house. I come from a small town with forests and lots of nature. That was just the right thing to do. Running and cycling always worked.”
Initially, Jens pursued the sport alongside his everyday work life as an electrical engineer. Then, in 2014, he decided to turn pro. Through the sport, he has been to some of the most beautiful places in the world; he has competed in Australia, China, America, and Hawaii. His motto: “You have to love what you do and have a passion for it; otherwise, you wouldn’t get out the door every day and make something happen even when the weather is bad!”

A classic training day for him starts with a casual run in the morning, usually sober, to boost fat metabolism. Then throughout the day, a 3 – 4 hour bike ride. Sometimes with specific challenges, like intervals. And then in the evening, usually with his team, a 1.5 to 2-hour swim session.

Jens tries to optimize his performance, just like any other competitive athlete. He explains how he managed to do that by supplementing his diet:
“Some time ago, I participated in a test with 13 other athletes to improve my cycling performance. We took FitLine Activize Oxyplus and two capsules of FitLine Munogen every morning for over a month and also before important training sessions.
After that time, the fitness check was repeated on the ergometer, and I was so happy with my performance data that I kept the rhythm for myself and incorporated Activize and Munogen into my daily routine. For my next big goal: the Ironman!”