There are couple of main reasons I started to use FitLine products. FIrst of all I needed help to get rid of few kilos I carried with me and I really did lose some weight during Autumn 2018. Since that I’ve used the products for training harder than before, staying healthy and recovering those hard trainings. My recovery and digestion have improved so much that I cannot almost even remember how bad it was before!
And yeah, they taste good. Sweet, but not ‘sugary’. For me the most important thing according to supplements is that they are all tested free from doping. FitLine is on the Cologne List and that matters 100%.
I’ve been using FitLine products since September and regularly use:
FitLine PowerCocktail, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate, ProShape Amino, ProShape All-in-1 Bourbon Vanille, Heart Duo (Omega3 & Q10), Antioxy, Feel Good Yoghurt
FitLine Team: PM-International Finland