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How FitLine Hair+ Works: Let’s Talk About Lov(s)ing Hair!

How FitLine Hair+ Works: Let’s Talk About Lov(s)ing Hair!

There’s a lot more to hair than just “hair.” Since the beginning of time, hair was never only functional but also decorative. Keeping it healthy and beautiful has become increasingly important in nearly all historical periods. In all cultures.

Today, hair is as dear to us as ever. Interestingly, its psychological function is more and more highlighted. As a form of identity and self-expression, it sends out powerful messages about a person’s personality and beliefs. Healthy and beautiful hair strengthens self-esteem and confidence. Therefore, it doesn’t come as a surprise that hair loss is one of the most distressing conditions. Everyone affected can relate. Unfortunately, just about everybody faces hair loss at some point or another.

Both men and women suffer from hair loss, and there are different reasons:

  • Inherited hair loss mostly affects men. Gradually, the hair starts to thin out on the scalp.
  • Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) usually appears after puberty and affects up to 50% of women by the time they reach the age of 50. Unlike the inherited hair loss of men, FPHL doesn’t usually show in patches but is more diffused and characterized by decreased volume.
  • Temporary hair thinning is essentially a matter of bad timing. It is caused by changes in the hair growth cycles. Many follicles are in the resting phase at the same time, minimizing the amount of hair visible.
  • Other common causes are hormonal imbalances, stressful lifestyle, pregnancy and childbirth, an imbalanced diet (iron deficiency, low protein diet), cosmetic procedures (hair dyeing, styling chemicals, tight hair braiding), even certain drugs and illnesses.

Most of these causes are inevitable. Yet, there are a couple of simple tricks, which you can include in your daily routine, to help fight “bad hair days.” After all, hair is part of every person’s identity and no one deserves to have their identity attacked.

So, what can you do exactly?

  • Focus on holistic solutions: The FitLine Hair+ set (Phase I and Phase II), whose patent is pending, consists of a nutritional supplement for ingestion and a cosmetic product for application on the scalp. The innovative set supplies high-quality nutrients from the inside and stimulates the growth of hair follicles naturally and directly from the outside. Thanks to the microSolve® technology, the innovative formula of purely plant-based ingredients, like vegetable oils and antioxidants, shows a good bioavailability, from inside and out.
  • Beauty starts from within! Nourish your hair with FitLine microSolve Hair+, which provides boosting nutrients for thicker fuller and glossy hair[1][2].
  • Treat your scalp and hair with care. A gentle massage of the scalp when applying the FitLine microSolve med Hair+ enhances the natural stimulation of hair follicles.
  • Wash, style, and comb your hair gently with the right products.
  • Make sure you provide your body with all nutrients needed. The FitLine Optimal-Set, for example, provides valuable nutrients from morning to night[3].

[1]Biotin contributes to the maintenance of normal hair.

[2] Zanzottera et al., J. Cosmo Trichol 2017,3:2DOI>10.4172/2471-9323.1000121

[3] Nutrient-Transport-Concept NTC® brings the nutrients exactly when they are needed to exactly where they are needed – to the cellular level.


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